Macanudo Cigars
Macanudo 1968 Churchill Cigars are exquisite cigars crafted to celebrate the 40th anniversary of this legendary cigar company. This cigar is named after the year in which the company started their journey. For this cigar they have chosen a mix of tobacco leaves from Nicaragua and Dominican Republic and a special Ometepe tobacco. These tobaccos are aged rigorously before rolling and bound by a Connecticut Habano binder. They are enwrapped in a Honduran San Agustin Habano wrapper. They produce a medium to full bodied smoke laden with flavors of coffee, espresso and earth. Consistent and flavorful from start to finish these cigars have earned 90 point rating from Cigar Aficionado and Cigar Insider. These Macanudo 1968 Churchill Cigars are handmade in the size of 7 x 49. They are available in dark wooden boxes packed in set of 20. To buy these celebratory cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.