Bringing the legacy of a baseball icon to the world of premium cigars, the M.X.S. Adrian Gonzalez El Titan Cigar is more than a smoke—it's a masterpiece. Crafted in collaboration with retired MLB all-star Adrián González, this exceptional cigar celebrates his nickname, "El Titán," embodying strength, sophistication, and precision.
Hand-rolled at the renowned Tabacalera Pichardo factory in Estelí, Nicaragua, each M.X.S. cigar is infused with artistry and care. Featuring a rich Mexican San Andrés wrapper masterfully paired with a Nicaraguan binder and premium fillers from Nicaragua and Peru, this 6 ½ x 50 Toro Extra offers a perfectly balanced flavor profile.
Expect deep, earthy notes laced with hints of spice, sweetness, and a satisfying complexity that evolves with every draw. It's the true aficionado’s cigar, now available as a single—no need to commit to a full box before indulging in this seasonal gem.
Why settle for less when you can start with the best? At only $12.50 per cigar, you can experience unparalleled quality one stick at a time. Whether you're a seasoned cigar lover or exploring the world of luxury cigars, the M.X.S. Adrian Gonzalez El Titan offers an unforgettable taste of what premium tobacco craftsmanship truly means.
Try one today—you won't just smoke it, you'll remember it.