Crafted by the skilled artisans at Drew Estate, Liga Undercrown Maduro Gordito Cigars carry an inspiring origin story. Originally created by passionate rollers as an alternative to the highly sought-after Liga Privada, these cigars blend tradition, creativity, and expertise. The result? A luxurious smoke tailored to those who appreciate distinct craftsmanship and flavor.
Each Gordito cigar boasts an indulgent medium-to-full-bodied strength. Wrapped in a dark San Andres Maduro wrapper, it releases a rich symphony of earthy spices and the unmistakable aroma of freshly brewed coffee. From the first puff to the final draw, experience smooth, satisfying flavors expertly designed for the modern cigar aficionado.
Measuring an impressive 6 x 60, these cigars are meticulously hand-rolled for superior burn and consistency. Rated an outstanding 90 points by critics, their craftsmanship speaks to the highest standards of premium cigar production.
Indulge in a box of 25 finely crafted cigars housed in elegant wooden boxes. Whether you’re savoring them solo or sharing them with fellow enthusiasts, these cigars are perfect for any occasion or collection.
Discover why Liga Undercrown Maduro Gordito Cigars have become a favorite among connoisseurs worldwide. Place your order today at Cuenca Cigars and enjoy unbeatable online pricing. Crafted for those who won’t settle for less, this is the cigar experience you’ve been waiting for.