Drew Estate Undercrown Cigars
Smoking enthusiasts worldwide are well aware that Liga Undercrown Maduro provides an unparalleled experience. Meticulously crafted in the Cuban-style, these cigars offer a delectable fusion of pepper and sweetness without any harshness. Handmade in Nicaragua, they boast a full-bodied Mexican San Andres Maduro wrapper, coupled with a combination of Connecticut Habano binder, Brazilian Mata Fina, and Nicaraguan Habano filler. With every draw, you'll discover something new, from enduring nutty notes to lingering coffee aromas. The rich flavor profile expertly balances robust spices with subtle sweet undertones, delivering an absolutely delightful smoking experience. The Corona Grande shape, measuring 5 5/8” long with a 46 ring gauge, ensures flawless construction with every cigar. When you crave the finest smoking indulgence, there's nothing quite like lighting up a Liga Undercrown Maduro. Your taste buds will be captivated in the most extraordinary ways! Liga Undercrown Maduro Corona Viva | Single Cigars Online.