Liga Undercrown Connecticut Shade Flying Pig cigars are a unique blend of flavors and aromas created by the renowned cigar-makers at Drew Estate in Nicaragua. Crafted with an Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper and an intricate combination of Sumatra and Dominican Criollo 98, along with Nicaraguan Criollo & Corojo long-fillers, this 4 x 60 vitola is truly one of a kind.
Upon lighting the Liga Undercrown Connecticut Shade Flying Pig Cigars, you will be enveloped in a soft and creamy flavor profile that is accented by various nuances. As you smoke the cigar, it will gradually warm to reveal subtle notes of spice, nuts, cedar and earthy tobacco. The cigar is designed to provide a smooth draw that leads to a pleasant finish that lingers on your palate for some time after exhaling.
These premium cigars are available in singles. This allows smokers to sample each individual cigar without having to purchase large quantities, making them perfect for those who appreciate quality without breaking the bank.
In summary, these cigars offer delicious flavor and full aroma in an unbeatable package due their use of top-notch tobaccos from three distinct countries combined with Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper. With its affordable price tag per cigar, they are definitely worth trying out!