When was the last time you enjoyed a cigar crafted with precision and care? The Liga Privada Unico Serie Feral Flying Pig is no ordinary cigar. It hails from the renowned Drew Estate, known for their unmatched expertise in blending rare tobaccos. Crafted for the true aficionado, this Perfecto-sized jewel (5 3/8 x 60) promises an impeccable smoking experience.
Each Feral Flying Pig is built from a core of fine Nicaraguan tobaccos, bound together by a luxurious Brazilian Mata Fina binder. What sets this cigar apart, however, is its stunning dark Connecticut stalk-cut and cured Habano wrapper, carefully grown in the rich river valley soil. The result? A bold, full-bodied smoke brimming with complex, flavorful notes that tantalize your senses with every draw.
There's luxury, and then there's exclusivity. These cigars are produced in limited quantities, making them a prized addition to any collection. Presented in an elegant wooden box of 10, they’re perfect for celebrating special occasions—or for simply indulging in the finer things in life.
Why wait when you can secure the Liga Privada Unico Serie Feral Flying Pig right here at Cuenca Cigars? Take advantage of our unbeatable online prices to add these rare treasures to your humidor. Don't miss out—place your order now and elevate your smoking experience.
Your next unforgettable moment is just a cigar away.