The Liga Privada No 9 Toro is a masterpiece for cigar aficionados. Offering a rich, full-bodied smoking experience, this iconic cigar balances complex notes of leather, spice, and cocoa, finishing off with a pleasing cedar and sweet pepper aroma. Every puff unveils a depth of flavor that cigar enthusiasts crave.
Hand-rolled in Nicaragua, the Liga Privada No 9 Toro is the epitome of craftsmanship. Its USA Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper encases a silky Brazilian Mata Fina binder and a bold blend of Honduran and Nicaraguan filler. This curated combination creates unparalleled strength and flavor in every draw—a hallmark of the legendary Unico Serie, known for its precision blending for size-specific perfection.
Not ready to invest in a full box? No problem. The Liga Privada No 9 Toro is now available as single cigars, giving you the perfect opportunity to indulge in a premium smoke without the full commitment. Experience the craft and luxury on your own terms.
Whether you're celebrating a milestone or unwinding after a demanding day, this full-bodied cigar pairs beautifully with your favorite aged whiskey or robust espresso. Its cellophane single packaging keeps it fresh and ready to enjoy whenever the moment calls.
Immerse yourself in the luxury and artistry of Liga Privada. Order your single Liga Privada No 9 Toro now and elevate your smoking experience.