Leaf by Oscar Connecticut Sixty Cigars Singles are truly one-of-a-kind cigars. Unlike most cigars on the market, they are wrapped in a raw tobacco leaf rather than cello paper, creating a distinct look and helping the cigar breathe. Thick, golden brown and seamless, the Honduran Connecticut wrapper adds an attractive touch to an already aesthetically pleasing cigar. Upon lighting, you will discover a medium-bodied smoke with smooth, balanced flavors. Plus, each cigar is individually wrapped, allowing for the perfect single cigar cigar-smoking experience.
For those looking for a quality and unique cigar smoking experience, Leaf by Oscar Connecticut Sixty Cigars are perfect. The raw tobacco leaf wrapping provides smoother smoking and a more aromatic and enjoyable experience, while the Honduran Connecticut wrapper ensures a consistent taste every time. With each cigar individually wrapped, you can expect quality and consistency each and every time. If you want to surprise yourself (and your friends), you can't go wrong with Leaf by Oscar Connecticut Sixty Cigars Singles. Get yours today and experience a smoke that will keep you and your friends coming back for more.