Crowned Heads Cigars
Le Patissier No 54 Cigars are the newest premium cigar offering from the Tabacalera Pichardo in Nicaragua. With an easy-going medium strength, they provide an enjoyable experience for all types of cigar aficionados. Their wrapper is a USA Connecticut Broadleaf, carefully chosen to ensure the cigars have perfect balance and flavor. The binder and fillers hail from Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Peru for complexity of flavors. These 5 3/8 inch by 54 ring gauge double robusto cigars offer satisfying smoking sessions in every box, with a vitola from Tabacalera Pichardo – who only use the finest tobaccos for each one.
Now available at Cuenca Cigars, Le Patissier No 54 Cigars make an excellent addition to any humidor. Grab a box today and save with free shipping on orders over $99! With their smooth notes of coffee, leather and caramel, your taste buds will be thanking you later!