A new limited edition cigar has been launched by Crowned Heads, known as the Le Careme Cigars Pastelitos LE 2023. The cigar has a round shape and measures 4x54, and is distinguished by a beautiful, dark Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper.
The Short Robusto cigars are a new addition to the winter collection and have a sweet taste. They are perfect for smoking during the colder months due to their shorter length. The EP Carrillo's Factory La Alianza in the Dominican Republic supervises the production of these cigars, which have a pigtail cap. Only 30,000 units are made, and other winter options include Juarez Shots and La Imperiosa Minutos.
We suggest trying the Limited Edition Cigars that have just been launched by Crowned Heads and Ernesto Perez Carrillo. These cigars are the result of a lot of hard work and commitment, and are truly exceptional. You have the chance to sample them before buying a whole box, but make sure to act quickly!