What if your next cigar could deliver an extraordinary balance of complexity and comfort? The L'Atelier Cote d'Or La Tache '18 offers just that. Handcrafted by the legendary makers at My Father Cigars in Nicaragua, this single cigar showcases a thoughtful blend of woody undertones, a gentle peppery kick, and creamy sweetness. Every puff captures sophistication and warmth, leaving a lasting impression.
Unmatched quality begins with the finest components. A delicate Ecuadorian Sancti Spiritus wrapper envelops a Nicaraguan binder and an intricate filler, which includes the rare Pelo de Oro leaf—a prized but elusive tobacco variety renowned for its rich flavors. Every L'Atelier Cote d'Or La Tache '18 is a celebration of expertise, culture, and passion.
Not ready to commit to a full box? This single option offers a chance to savor this extraordinary cigar without hesitation. Ideal for those seeking variety or a quiet moment of indulgence, it's an unbeatable way to experience true craftsmanship before building your collection.
Perfectly sized at 6" with a 46 ring gauge, the Corona Grande shape ensures a consistently satisfying draw. The medium to full-bodied strength is enhanced with a natural-tan wrapper that adds visual and flavorful allure. From cellophane protection to its handmade perfection, this piece is created for true cigar enthusiasts.
Take the opportunity to discover why the L'Atelier Cote d'Or La Tache '18 is a standout among premium smokes. Don't just settle for ordinary—choose exceptional. Try it today!