Laranja Cigars
Laranja Reserva Robusto Extra Cigars are magnificent cigars that have taken everybody by surprise. Erik Espinosa, who is known for his extraordinary blends, creates another masterpiece with it. He uses an uncommon orange tinged Brazilian to cover these cigars that at once captures the attention of the smokers. Inside it lies a blend of Nicaraguan filler and binder tobaccos. Mixed ingeniously they offer a medium bodied flavorful smoke. Each buff releases notes of spices, pepper, nuts, cedar, citrus that are mixed with natural sweet taste. No wonder, these cigars are among the top 25 cigars along with being rated 94. These Laranja Reserva Robusto Extra Cigars are skillfully rolled by the expert workers in the size of 5 1/2 x 54. They are available in set of 20 pieces placed neatly in black boxes. To buy these one of its kind cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.