Laranja Cigars
Laranja Reserva Corona Gorda Cigars are extravagant cigars that have created a new wave in the cigar industry. Blended by Erik Espinosa this cigar is a shining feather on his crown. It has taken the cigar enthusiasts by storm and bagged a notable position in the top 25 list with an enviable 94 point rating. Packed with Nicaraguan tobaccos inside the core, these cigars sport an orange tinged Brazilian wrapper on their top. This exotic mix of tobaccos produces a medium to full bodied gem that is truly Espinosa’s masterpiece. They burn consistently delivering flavorful notes full of spices, pepper, nuts, cedar, citrus which are all laced with natural sweetness. These Laranja Reserva Corona Gorda Cigars have magnificent construction in the size of 5 5/8 x 46. They are available in set of 20 pieces placed neatly in black boxes. To buy these one of its kind cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.