My Father Cigars
Indulge in the artistry of fine cigar craftsmanship with La Union — Tatuaje for My Father. Hailing from the renowned My Father Cigars S.A. factory in Nicaragua, this cigar embodies the rich heritage and meticulous attention to detail that defines premium cigar making.
Wrapped in the esteemed Corojo 99 leaf, La Union boasts a carefully curated blend of Nicaraguan binder and filler. This combination ensures a symphony of flavors and an impeccable burn with every puff. With a length of 7 1/4 inches and a ring gauge of 50, this Conde 109 vitola offers a generous smoking experience that invites relaxation.
Releasing in February 2024, La Union is a rare find for connoisseurs. With only 1,500 boxes of 20 cigars each available, this exclusive release promises an unparalleled smoking experience. Are you ready to savor a piece of history?
Invest in luxury with confidence. At just $60 per box of 40 cigars (totaling $2,400), La Union represents unbeatable value for those who appreciate the nuances of a well-crafted cigar.
Why settle for ordinary when you can experience the extraordinary? Add La Union to your humidor and savor the epitome of Nicaraguan excellence. Don't miss your chance to own a piece of this limited collection—act now!