La Gloria Cubana Cigars
La Gloria Cubana Wavell Cigars are true classic cigars that are a favorite of most cigar lovers. They are made in old Cuban style featuring a rich blend that exudes a flavorful smoke with every puff. The core of this cigar is made of chosen Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos. A luscious Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper finishes this beautiful cigar. Medium in body strength they burn consistently with an easy draw and no dull moments. Cigar Aficionado has recognized the brilliance this cigar by bestowing it with a 90 point rating. These La Gloria Cubana Wavell Cigars are handcrafted in the size of 5 x 50 which is a Robusto in body shape. They come in artistic boxes packed in set of 25. To buy these classic premium cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.