La Gloria Cubana Cigars
A cigar that has a huge follower base, La Gloria Cubana. They are passionated cigar aficionados and they know everything about cigars. Cigar Fans got together and created a blend of its own. Discover the Limited Edition LGC, enjoy the Rich Earthy Flavors of These Premium Honduran Cigars.
La Gloria Cubana Society is a collaboration among the mos passionate cigar fans in the world. They developed this limited edition, in a collaboration with El Credito Factory in Dominican Republic developing a absolutely fan-endorsed smoking experience.
These premium Honduran Puros cigars are handmade in Dominican Republic. The blend of aged tobaccos is cloaked in a velvety dark-brown Honduran Olancho San Augustín covering exquisite premium tobaccos from the Honduran best tobaccos regions: Jamastran and LA Entrada.
La Gloria Cubana cigars are known for their deep Cubanesque flavor. They provide a full-bodied earthy smoke with spicy notes of cedar and a hint of leather. Their complex flavors are perfectly balanced resulting in a well-rounded full-strength smoke.
Order a selection of these extra special limited edition LGC cigars while stocks last. Grab a few singles cigars if you want to try them first or Place your order a box of 20. The LGC Society Cigar makes the perfect festive gift for any cigar enthusiast. And they are extremely Limited.
Some Key Points to keep in mind
Cuenca Cigars specialize in sourcing the finest handmade cigars from Honduran, Nicaraguan and Dominican Republic. We handpick every cigar brand to ensure the best quality and variety for our customers.
Our online sales are very valuable and conveninent. We carry the best single cigars so you can try them before shopping online. Whether you are trying cigars for the first time or are an aficionado, we have the perfect premium cigar for you at the best prices online. Check out our reviews to see what our customers say about us and the cigars we supply.
Stocks of limited edition LGC Society cigars are limited so hurry and grab yours today while stocks last. Order now and get the best prices online with Cuenca Cigars.
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