La Gloria Cubana Cigars
La Gloria Cubana Soberano Cigars are gigantic cigar meant to offer an eventful smoke for long hours. They are made of robust Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos at the base of them. These tobaccos are rolled in a lush Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper. This blend of tobaccos produces a medium bodied cigar that has no dearth of flavors. They are meticulously handmade which ensures their consistent burn with easy draw. The thick ash and pleasant aroma make the smoking experience even more delightful. These La Gloria Cubana Soberano Cigars are made in the Presidente format with a size of 8 x 52. They are available in set of 25 packed in artistic boxes. To buy these medium, flavorful cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.