La Gloria Cubana Cigars
La Gloria Cubana Soberano Cigars are huge cigars that have several hours of burn time which is a great thing for the ardent smoke lovers. They encompass a blend of chosen Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos at the base of them. This rich core offers a full flavored smoke throughout. They are neatly covered in a dark Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper. This aged wrapper adds further richness to the blend. The result is medium bodied well-balanced cigar that gives no dull moments. These La Gloria Cubana Soberano Cigars are beautifully handcrafted in the size of 8 x 52 which is a Presidente in format. They are available in set of 25 packed in artistic boxes. To buy these medium, Maduro cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.