La Gloria Cubana Cigars
Designed and blended by famed cigarmaker, Ernest Carillo, the Robusto Gordo cigars brings the best of Carillo's enduring passion and signature style. Part of this timeless legacy, the La Gloria Cubana cigars are among the most preferred cigars by critics and aficionados in the industry.
The Serie S Robusto Gordo cigars are hand-rolled in a Robusto shape, Maduro colored, and sized 5.5 x 56. They are medium to full-bodied strengthed and wrapped in a beautifully crafted, deep Colorado-colored San Andres wrapper from the Mexican Veracruz region.
With a Nicaraguan binder from Esteli these cigars feature an aged, long filler tobacco from both Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. The unique and intriguing flavor delivers a beefy blend of dark earthy flavors, peppery spices, coffee, and rich leather, balanced on a rich tobacco sweetness and giving a long finish.
Full-bodied and fragrant, this blend is ready to please. Order your box today from Cuenca cigars!