La Gloria Cubana Cigars
La Gloria Cubana Serie R Belicoso Cigars are powerful, satisfying cigar that offers a great smoke with each puff. They begin with a rich core made of Nicaraguan ligero leaves and Dominican filler tobaccos. They are aged significantly before putting into the rolling process. This ensures a spicy, flavorful smoke from these cigars. A smooth Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper enwraps them tightly. This concoction bears a medium to full bodied strength. The burn line of this beautiful cigar is even and the draw is effortless. These La Gloria Cubana Serie R Belicoso Cigars are built with a big ring gauge of 56 with the length of 5 3/4 inches. They come in black polished boxes packed in set of 24. To buy these big gauge cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.