La Gloria Cubana Cigars
The La Gloria Cubana Corojo de Oro cigar showcases an Ecuador Habano wrapper, Corojo de Oro binder, and a filler blend of Brazilian Matafina, Dominican Piloto Cubano, and Nicaraguan Ometepe. This exquisite cigar hails from the Dominican Republic.
Bringing together a distinctive selection of tobacco from exclusive small-batch fields in Mao, Dominican Republic, this cigar is handcrafted at the El Credito Factory. Boasting an intricate blend of tobaccos from four different countries, crafting this cigar with a novel tobacco variety is a challenging feat. Skilled craftsmen at the El Credito Factory have expertly mastered another exceptional blend, earning its place in the esteemed La Gloria Cubana collection.
Named after a new leaf type cultivated in limited-production fields in Mao, Dominican Republic, the Corojo de Oro by La Gloria Cubana delivers an exceptional smoking experience through a unique combination of Habano seeds, Pelo de Oro, and Corojo 97-98 in this remarkable four-country fusion.