La Flor Dominicana Cigars
La Flor Dominicana Colorado Oscuro No 5 Cigars are another bold creation of Litto Gomez, one of the most admired cigar blenders of modern times. He crafted this cigar using a mix of Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers bound by a Sumatra seed Dominican binder. They are meticulously aged to ensure their maximum flavors. Then they are encased in a Sumatra seed Ecuadorian ligero wrapper leaf. The result is a full bodied complex smoke that exudes robust flavors with each puff. These La Flor Dominicana Limited Production Colorado Oscuro No. 5 Cigars are handcrafted in the size of 5 3/4 X 60 which is Double Toro in shape. . They are released twice a year. They come in sturdy boxes in set of 50 cigars. To buy these La Flor Dominicana Colorado Oscuro No 5 massive cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.