La Flor Dominicana Cigars
LFD Colorado Oscuro No 3 Cigars are robust cigars created by Litto Gomez. Like all his creations this one too is very impressive in blend. This cigar features a mix of Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers bound by Sumatra seed Dominican binder at the base. These tobaccos are aged and cured to the perfection to bring out all of their hidden flavors. Then they are cloaked in a Sumatra seed Ecuadorian ligero wrapper. This cigar is full in body and packs plenty of flavors adding to the complexity. These La Flor Dominicana Limited Production Colorado Oscuro No. 3 Cigars are crafted in the size of 5 x 50 which is a Robusto. They are released twice a year. They come in sturdy boxes in set of 50 cigars. To buy these massive cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.