La Flor Dominicana Cigars
Discover a cigar that is more than just a smoke—it's a legacy. The La Flor Dominicana Ligero L-400 is the first full-power cigar by Litto Gomez, introduced in 2001. Ever since, it has added a prestigious feather to an already impressive portfolio.
Crafted meticulously from the highest priming leaves grown on the esteemed La Canela farm, these ligero tobaccos are aged to perfection. What sets them apart? A Sumatra seed Ecuadorian wrapper envelops each cigar, creating an exquisite harmony of full-bodied strength and captivating aroma. Each puff delivers creamy, smooth flavors that dance upon the palate.
Hailing from a renowned Dominican factory, the construction of these cigars is nothing short of magnificent. At a robust 5 3/4 X 54 size, they promise an indulgent smoking experience. Encased in polished dark brown boxes, these 24 premium cigars are as pleasing to the eye as they are to the senses.
Why wait to indulge in this heady, premium delight? Place your order at Cuenca Cigars today and enjoy the best online price for the La Flor Dominicana Ligero L-400 Cigars.