Looking for a cigar that offers a milder, yet unforgettable smoke? The La Flor Dominicana Double Claro No 50 delivers just that. This first-ever candela-wrapped Robusto cigar by Litto Gomez is a masterclass in craftsmanship, blending tradition with bold innovation. Each cigar is meticulously handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, using premium tobaccos cultivated on the La Canela farm.
The highlight of this cigar is its Ecuadorian Candela wrapper, meticulously cured for a radiant green hue and a perfect draw. This medium-bodied masterpiece pairs its candela charm with the richness of Dominican fillers and a Nicaraguan binder, resulting in a complex yet balanced flavor profile.
From the very first draw, you'll experience an array of flavors—crisp pepper, warm cedar, golden toast, and a touch of natural sweetness that lingers on the palate. Each puff is further enhanced by an aromatic profile that captivates the senses, transforming your smoke into a luxurious ritual.
Each La Flor Dominicana Double Claro No 50 is crafted to perfection at 5 x 50 in size. Elegantly presented in boxes of 25, these cigars are ideal for connoisseurs seeking to explore the distinctive allure of candela-wrapped cigars.
Why wait to experience the finest in handmade cigars? At Cuenca Cigars, these premium delights are available at unbeatable online prices. Place your order today and savor the unique decadence that only a La Flor Dominicana Double Claro No 50 can offer.
Make your next smoke something extraordinary—shop now!