La Flor Dominicana Cigars
Looking for a cigar that combines innovation with tradition? The La Flor Dominicana Double Claro No 50 is a masterpiece by cigar legend Litto Gomez. Featuring the first-ever use of an Ecuadorian Candela wrapper, this cigar offers a bold yet balanced experience. The meticulously cured wrapper envelopes Dominican fillers from La Canela farm and a rich Nicaraguan binder, resulting in a medium-bodied smoke packed with lasting flavor.
From the first draw, expect a symphony of flavors to ignite your palate. Notes of pepper, cedar, and toast are layered with a distinguished sweetness that lingers long after each puff, complemented by a delightful aroma. Every cigar is expertly handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, guaranteeing quality in every Robusto-sized (5 x 50) stick.
Perfect for aficionados seeking something truly unique, these cigars are not just a smoke—they're a conversation starter. Whether you're relaxing in your lounge or sharing with friends, the sophisticated flavor and superior craftsmanship elevate every moment. Housed in an elegant box of 25, they're ideal for both personal enjoyment and gifting.
Enjoy luxury without the premium price tag! Order La Flor Dominicana Double Claro No 50 Cigars online at Cuenca Cigars at the best price. Why wait? Elevate your smoking experience today!