La Flor Dominicana Cigars
La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero Digger Natural Cigars are not for the faint-hearted. These cigars pack a full-bodied punch, made with carefully selected ligero leaves from the lush La Canela farm in the Dominican Republic. Every puff unravels a cascade of intense flavors, ranging from spicy undertones to earthy leather, oak, and subtle hints of rich soil. Designed for seasoned cigar enthusiasts, this blend offers a robust experience that veteran aficionados crave.
Each cigar is meticulously handcrafted at La Flor Dominicana's Dominican factory, upholding the highest standards of quality and authenticity. Draped in a sun-grown Ecuadorian wrapper, these cigars boast a stunning natural hue that hints at the powerful flavors inside. The Presidente format, measuring an impressive 8 1/2 x 60, provides an extended smoking experience—perfect for those who savor every moment of a fine cigar.
It’s not just the flavor that stands out; the aroma of the La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero Digger is equally captivating. With every draw, you're greeted by a pleasant, lingering scent that elevates the entire smoking experience. Whether you're relaxing after a long day or celebrating life's milestones, these cigars provide an indulgent escape.
These masterpieces come neatly arranged in polished wooden boxes, making them a stunning addition to your collection or a perfect gift for a fellow cigar connoisseur. Each box contains 20 cigars, ensuring you're well-stocked for countless memorable snoking occasions.
Why settle for less? Order La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero Digger Natural Cigars from Cuenca Cigars, where premium quality meets the best prices online. Don't wait—ignite your passion for bold smoking experiences and take the next step in your cigar journey.
Place your order now and savor the ultimate in handcrafted excellence!