La Flor Dominicana Cigars
A Cigar Worth the Hype
Who has the Andalusian Bull in stock in 2024? Everyone is still asking about the cigar that claimed the prestigious title of Cigar Aficionado's No. 1 Cigar of the Year back in 2016. What makes it so special? The expertise of Litto Gomez shines in every puff, as the production of these cigars was never rushed. Years later, the Andalusian Bull remains a limited-edition masterpiece, cherished by aficionados and incredibly hard to find.
Complexity and Craftsmanship
Handcrafted in the renowned La Flor Dominicana Factory in the Dominican Republic, the Andalusian Bull offers a smoking experience unlike any other. It blends complexity and subtlety with a flavor profile that evolves as you savor it. Each puff is an indulgent moment of artistry, reflecting the care and dedication put into crafting these remarkable cigars.
Hard-to-Find Luxury, Available Now
Don’t want to commit to a full box? Now, you can purchase these Andalusian Bull cigars as singles online! This rare opportunity allows you to enjoy the best cigar in the world, piece by piece, without hunting high and low for an elusive box. Limited yet accessible—it’s all here for you.
Experience what makes this cigar a legend. Shop Andalusian Bull Singles now and elevate your collection.