La Flor Dominicana Cigars
Introducing the exquisite La Flor Dominicana Air Bender Maduro Valiente Cigars, now available as individual cigars online. Crafted with utmost care, these cigars boast the finest Dominican tobaccos from Gomez's La Canela farm. Each tobacco leaf is meticulously selected by Litto Gomez and aged to perfection. The Dominican tobaccos serve as both filler and binder, expertly wrapped in a stunning Ecuadorian Habano wrapper. The result? A full-bodied cigar bursting with complex flavors that tantalize the palate. From hints of spices to notes of wood and cream, every puff is a sensory delight.
Notably, these exceptional cigars have been honored as the 10th best cigar of the year by Cigar Aficionado. Available in the impressive size of 6 1/4 X 60, a Double Toro shape, they are presented in polished wooden boxes of 20 cigars. Don't miss the chance to enhance your cigar collection. Place an order now at Cuenca Cigars and enjoy the best online prices for these premium, full-flavored cigars.