La Flor Dominicana Cigars
La Flor Dominicana 1994 Mambo Cigars are specially crafted celebratory cigars released in 2014. They are made to celebrate the 20 glorious years of Ines and Litto in the cigar industry. The base of these cigars features a mix of robust Dominican long fillers and binder all grown in their farm, La Canela. They are aged before putting into use. This blend is hidden by a San Andres Mexican wrapper. The result is a medium-full cigar that offers a rich, complex flavour profile. Notes of chocolate, molasses and citrus make their appearance while the cigar smoothly burns. These La Flor Dominicana 1994 Mambo Cigars are crafted in the size of 7 x 54 which is a Churchill. They come in polished wooden box packaging in set of 20. To buy these rich and complex cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.