La Aroma de Cuba Reserva Pomposo Cigars are made in Nicaragua at the My Father Cigars factory. The blend of these cigars is conceived by the famed father-son duo, Jose Pepin and Jaime Garcia. It starts with an intense dark and thick Cuban seed Mexican Oscuro wrapper. Inside lies a mix of aged Nicaraguan long fillers. Combined together they create a full bodied rich smoke that leaves a lasting appeal. The cigar beautifully burns releasing balanced notes of earth, roasted coffee, cocoa, sweetness and cedar and then ends with a refined finish. Overall, a great smoking experience that fully justifies its 93 point rating. These La Aroma de Cuba Reserva Pomposo Cigars are carefully made in the size of 6 1/2 X 60. They are offered in eye-catching boxes in set of 24. To buy these praised and loved cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.