Aromatic Bliss: Exploring La Aroma de Cuba Pasión Cigars - Nicaraguan Puro
Embark on a sensory journey as we explore the alluring world of La Aroma de Cuba Pasión cigars. Crafted with the utmost dedication and care by the esteemed Cigar Makers Garcia family, these cigars feature a tantalizing blend of flavors and aromas that will transport you to the lush, fertile lands of the family estates in Nicaragua. As we delve into the captivating story behind these exceptional cigars, prepare to be swept away by the rich history, unique characteristics, and unforgettable taste of this Nicaraguan Puro.
Short Summary
LADC Pasión cigars are a luxurious product of the finest premium tobaccos from the family farms, blended by the esteemed father-and-son cigar makers Jose Pepin Garcia and Jaime Garcia.
The unique shade grown wrapper is produced on their 300 acre private estate in Nicaragua showcasing traditional craftsmanship with a triple fermentation process of Jose Pepin Garcia and Cuban seed tobacco aged for two years.
LADC Pasión cigars offer an intricate blend of smoked cashew, leather, cedar, molasses spice wood natural tobacco earth black pepper and nougat like sweetness for a complex flavor profile throughout its burn & draw experience.
La Aroma de Cuba Pasión: An Overview
La Aroma de Cuba Pasión cigars are the epitome of luxury and fine craftsmanship. Launched by Ashton Cigars, these cigars feature a stunning shade grown wrapper, a product of the finest premium tobaccos grown in the region. This inaugural Nicaraguan puro in the La Aroma de Cuba range is a symbol of the unique terroir where tobacco plants thrive in the rich soil. The esteemed father-and-son cigar-makers Jose Pepin Garcia and Jaime Garcia are credited with blending the Nicaraguan Puro cigars, utilizing the finest tobaccos sourced from their family estates in Estel, Jalapa, and Namanji.
The cigars undergo a meticulous triple fermentation process, in accordance with traditional methods and cigar makers Father and son Jaime Garcia family terroir guided approach, ensuring exceptional flavor and quality. La Aroma de Cuba Pasión cigars boast a Toro size, providing a unique flavor profile that is sure to captivate even the most discerning palate.
Adorned with intricate bands featuring the company's logo and the Pasión moniker, these cigars are a true work of art, both in appearance and taste.
The Garcia Family Terroir
The Garcia family terroir is a testament to their unwavering dedication and passion for cultivating the finest tobacco. Their esteemed tobacco family estates are located in Estel, Jalapa, and Namanji in Nicaragua, where the fertile black soils and unique microclimate provide the perfect conditions for growing premium tobacco plants.
LADC Pasión cigars showcase the beauty of the Pepin and Jaime Garcia family terroir through their exquisite Nicaraguan Shade Grown wrapper. With a classic cinnamon tint, visible veins, and subtle marbling, the wrapper is a shining specimen of the celebrated fields of Namanji. The cigars are adorned with two bands, featuring a seafoam green, gold, and white color scheme, accompanied by a Cuban-style female portrait and the text “LA AROMA DE CUBA” in gold font.
Shade Grown Wrapper
The shade grown wrapper is a crucial element of Pasión cigars, setting them apart from their counterparts. Cultivated in the renowned fields of Namanji, located 18 miles east of Estel, Nicaragua, the shade grown wrapper is composed of Nicaraguan tobacco from the family farms, offering a distinct and captivating flavor profile.
Approximately one-third of the Garcias' 300-acre private estate is dedicated to shade grown wrapper production, showcasing their commitment to crafting the finest cigars. This dedication is evident in the exceptional flavor and quality of LADC Pasión cigars, which are a true testament to the Garcias' unwavering devotion to their craft.
The Making of La Aroma de Cuba Pasión
La Aroma de Cuba Pasión cigars are a masterpiece of craftsmanship and tradition, with every step of their creation meticulously executed. The triple fermentation process utilized for each leaf of wrapper, binder, and filler harvested ensures an exceptional smoking experience and unrivaled flavor. Combining this process with traditional techniques, such as the use of Cuban-seed tobacco aged for a minimum of two years, results in a unique blend of tobaccos from Nicaragua and Honduras.
The connection between La Aroma de Cuba Pasión cigars and My Father Cigars is a vital one, as the renowned My Father Cigars factory in Esteli, Nicaragua, exclusively produces these luxurious cigars including the Cigar Aficionado top 10 Cigar of the year, San Cristobal Quintessence and San Cristobal Elegancia. The same dedication to detail and excellence that the Garcia family is renowned for is evident in every Nicaraguan Puro they produce.
Tobacco Cultivation
Tobacco cultivation is an intricate and labor-intensive process, requiring a frost-free period of 90 to 120 days from transplanting to the final harvest of leaves. The cigar makers Garcia family's tobacco estates from their family farms in Estel, Jalapa, and Namanji are a testament to their expertise in cultivating the finest tobacco plants.
However, tobacco cultivation can result in a range of environmental issues, such as depletion of water sources, deforestation, soil erosion, and contamination of air and water systems.
The Garcia family, with their unwavering dedication to the environment and sustainable practices, ensures that their tobacco cultivation methods minimize the environmental impact. By balancing their passion for producing the finest cigars with a commitment to preserving the environment, the Garcia family continues to pave the way for a sustainable and responsible future in the tobacco industry.
My Father Cigars Connection
The relationship between La Aroma de Cuba Pasión cigars and My Father Cigars is one of mutual respect and shared values. As the exclusive producer of these luxurious cigars, My Father Cigars carries the same dedication to detail and excellence that the Garcia family is renowned for.
Manufactured at the My Father Cigars factory in Estel, Nicaragua, La Aroma de Cuba Pasión cigars are a shining example of the synergy between these two esteemed entities. With their shared passion for creating the finest cigars, the partnership between La Aroma de Cuba Pasión and My Father Cigars is a testament to the power of collaboration and the pursuit of perfection.
Flavor Profile: Unraveling the Taste of La Aroma de Cuba Pasión
The flavor profile of La Aroma de Cuba Pasión cigars is a symphony of complexity and harmony. Featuring notes of smoked cashew, leather, cedar, and molasses, accompanied by an extravagant spice and a medium to full-bodied finish, these cigars are a delight for the senses.
With wood, cedar, natural tobacco, earth, black pepper, and a nougat-like sweetness, La Aroma de Cuba Pasión Marveloso offers a medium-strength, medium-bodied smoke, sure to captivate even the most discerning palate. The intricate blend of flavors is a testament to the skill and artistry of the Garcia family, offering an unforgettable smoking experience that will leave you longing for more.
Cold Draw Experience
The cold draw experience of La Aroma de Cuba Pasión cigars is a tantalizing prelude to the symphony of flavors that awaits. With a combination of wood, cedar, natural tobacco, and earth, as well as hints of milk chocolate, espresso, black pepper, Caribbean fruit, cedar, and creamy malt, the cold draw sets the stage for a truly extraordinary experience.
La Aroma de Cubas Pasión Encanto 6 x 60 cigar, the pre-light examination reveals mild smoky and spicy barrel, nut, spice, and dry fruit notes. Similarly, the pre-light draw of La Aroma de Cuba Pasión Marveloso offers a mix of wood, cedar, natural tobacco, and earth, providing a glimpse into the rich and complex flavors that lie within.
Interesting Flavors Throughout the Smoke
As the smoke from La Aroma de Cuba Pasión cigars unfolds, the rich tapestry of flavors comes to life. The Cigar offers smoked cashew, leather, cedar, molasses, and spice as their flavor profiles, providing an exquisite experience that is both indulgent and refined.
La Aroma de Cuba Pasión Encanto a 6 x 60 smoke offers medium black pepper and nutty notes at the outset, while the final third of La Aroma de Cuba Pasión Marveloso 6 x 52 is dominated by cedar and black pepper flavors. The harmonious interplay of these flavors throughout the smoke is a testament to the Garcia family's expertise and unwavering dedication to their craft. All comes in box of 25 or single cigars!
Evaluating the Burn and Draw
The burn and draw of La Aroma de Cuba Pasión Encanto 6 x 60 and Marveloso 6 x 52 cigars are key factors in determining their overall experience. The burn of the La Aroma de Cuba Pasión Marveloso 5 x 52, for example, required some touch-ups to stay on a straight path and line, with a silver-gray ash and some minor flaking. However, the burn rate and temperature remained optimal throughout the smoke.
The draw of La Aroma de Cuba Pasión cigars can vary, with the draw of the Marveloso being tighter than desired. Despite the occasional minor irregularities and touch ups, the cigars generally offer a consistent burn and smooth draw, making for an enjoyable experience.
Comparing La Aroma de Cuba Pasión Vitolas
La Aroma de Cuba Pasión cigars are available in a variety of varieties, allowing aficionados to find the perfect size and shape to suit their preferences. The range includes Churchill 7 x 49, Corona Gorda 5 5/8 x 46, Gordo or Encanto 6 x 60, Robusto 5 1/2 x 50, Toro 6 x 52, and Box Pressed Torpedo 6 1/8 x 54 vitolas, providing an array of options for a tailored experience.
For instance, the reviewer smoked a box pressed torpedo, which showcased the unique flavor profile and characteristics of La Aroma de Cuba Pasión cigars. With sizes ranging from the Robusto at 5 1/2 x 50 to the Churchill at 7 x 49, there is a La Aroma de Cuba Pasión cigar to suit every palate and occasion.
In conclusion, La Aroma de Cuba Pasión cigars are a captivating blend of luxury, craftsmanship, and exquisite flavor. From the Garcia family's esteemed terroir in Nicaragua and their unwavering dedication to producing the finest tobaccos, to the intricate flavor profiles and exceptional experience, these cigars are truly a testament to the art of cigar making. As you indulge in the sensory journey of La Aroma de Cuba Pasión, allow yourself to be transported to the picturesque landscapes of Nicaragua, and savor the rich history and unforgettable taste that these remarkable cigars offer with a very affordable price range.