La Aroma de Cuba New Blend Immensa Cigars are creations of the legendary Garcia family, known for their stellar cigars. With this cigar they have attempted to recreate an old Cuban cigar. To accomplish the task they have chosen a mix of robust Nicaraguan long fillers grown from Cuban seed. They are bound by a Nicaraguan binder and finally enwrapped in a dark brown broadleaf Connecticut binder. The strength of this cigar is medium-full and the smoke is undeniably rich, complex and flavourful. They burn evenly displaying an earthy core with tobaccos taste. Add to all these goodness they have also achieved a 93 point rating. These La Aroma de Cuba New Blend Immensa Cigars are handcrafted in the size of 5 3/4 X 60. They are presented in set of 25 placed in a designer box. To buy these highly rated premium cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.