La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor Robusto Cigars - Maduro Box of 25 are handcrafted premium cigars that display the expertise of the master blender Jose Pepin Garcia. Made in Nicaragua at My Father Cigars factory, these cigars are packed to the brim with aged Nicaraguan long fillers. These fillers are bound by double binder and encased in a Cuban seed Mexican Maduro wrapper grown in San Andreas valley. These tobaccos blended together offer a medium-full balanced smoke that is marked by the motes of cocoa, espresso, earth and spices. They end on a semi-sweet note. These magnificent cigars have deservingly earned a stellar 95 point rating and a top place at the list top 25 cigars. These La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor Robusto Cigars are carefully rolled in the size of 5 X 50. They come in beautifully designed boxes in set of 25. To buy these outstanding cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.