La Aroma de Cuba Cigars
La Aroma De Cuba Edicion Especial #1 Cigars are extraordinary premium cigars crafted by none other than Jose Pepin Garcia. These cigars are made using aged Cuban seed Nicaraguan tobaccos for the long fillers bound by the same binder. These are tightly enclosed in a glimmering Cuban seed Ecuadorian wrapper. This concoction offers a medium-full smoke accompanied with notes of leather, cedar and white pepper. Smooth and aromatic the smoke is absolutely delightful and thoroughly satisfying. These La Aroma De Cuba Edicion Especial #1 Cigars are hand made in the size of 5 5/8 x 46 which is a Corona. They are rated with incredible 93 point rating and also placed in the list of top 25 cigars. They come in set of 25 packed in wooden boxes. To buy these smooth, enjoyable cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.