La Aroma de Cuba Cigars
La Aroma de Cuba is a cigar brand produced in Estelí, Nicaragua by the famous cigar artisan, Jose 'Pepin' Garcia. The brand is well-known for its aged and high-quality tobaccos grown on the Garcia family's estates. With consistent quality and a variety of flavors, La Aroma de Cuba has been a recognized brand for the past 20 years. You can purchase a set of La Aroma de Cuba cigars that includes a torch lighter to match.
The sampler contains 5 La Aroma de Cuba brand cigars with different sizes and types. These are the 1 Mi Amor Belicoso (5.5 x 54), 1 Robusto (5.25 x 54), 1 Mi Amor Magnifico (6 x 52), 1 Edicion Especial #5 (5.5 x 52) and 1 Reserva Maximo (5.5 x 54). In addition, the sampler includes a Jetline Prestige Double Torch Lighter.
If you know someone who likes smoking cigars and you want to give them a great gift, consider getting them a set of La Aroma de Cuba cigars. The set includes four different types of cigars: the original La Aroma de Cuba (rated 93), Reserva (rated 94), Edicion Especial (rated 94), and Mi Amor (rated 95). The set also comes with a Jetline Prestige Double Torch Lighter.