San Cristobal Cigars
Looking for top-shelf cigars from Nicaragua? Look no further than the La Aroma de Cuba and San Cristobal 92-95 Rated Assortment! Whether you’re a novice or an experienced cigar aficionado, this box of five smokes is something special. Handcrafted by master tobacconist Jose ‘Pepin’ Garcia in Estelí, Nicaragua, these covetable cigars are expertly blended and feature a variety of shapes and sizes with complex flavor profiles. Each cigar has a92-95 rating with deep, peppery, and sweet tasting notes that cigar lovers simply can't resist. Enjoy a host of flavors with broad appeal in the 94-rated La Aroma de Cuba Reserva, 93-rated La Aroma de Cuba, 95-rated La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor-, 93- rated San Cristobal , and 92-rated San Cristobal Revelation. Kick back at the end of a long day with this sampler that is sure to please just about any palate. Grab your box now and discover why La Aroma de Cuba and San Cristobal have become two of the most sought after cigars on the market today—all for an unbeatable value.