Kentucky Fire Cured Fat Molly Cigars are innovative offerings from the house of Drew Estate, a pioneer in the cigar industry. These cigars have a very special feature that makes them unique. They feature a blend of long fillers from Virginia, Kentucky and Nicaragua, which are all fire cured instead of air curing. This 200 years old process imparts a smoky flavor to them with notes of oak, maple and hickory. Nicaraguan and Brazilian Mata Fina binders keep these fillers in place. They are rolled in a dark, flavorful Mexican San Andres wrapper. Due to such novel blend these cigars taste like no other else. These Kentucky Fire Cured Fat Molly Cigars are crafted in the size of 5 x 56 which is a Robusto. They are presented in bundles of 10. To buy these ground-breaking cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.