Karen Berger Cigars
K by Karen Berger Cameroon Salomon Cigars are a must-have for cigar aficionados and casual smokers alike. If you’re looking for a full-bodied, flavorful cigar, then look no further than K by Karen Berger. Enjoy the Nicaraguan tobacco flavor with each puff as your taste buds fall in love with its sweet aroma and creamy notes of cedar and leather. These handmade cigars are 6 Inches long and have a 52/58 ring gauge, providing plenty of smoke to admire the complex flavors of this product.
Each box contains 20 premium cigars that have been expertly crafted for an unforgettable experience. Whether it be during a special occasion or just relaxing after an enjoyable evening, the K by Karen Berger Cameroon Salomon Cigars will never disappoint. And when you purchase these cigars from Cuenca Cigars, you’ll get free shipping on orders over $99 plus! So don’t delay – order your box of K by Karen Berger Cameroon Salomon Cigars today and let your friends know where to find their cigars for sale!