Juan Lopez Cigars
Juan Lopez Seleccion No. 4 Cigars are full bodied, rich premium cigars meant to be enjoyed by the seasoned smokers. They are built with a mix of rich long fillers and binder grown in the fertile soils of Nicaragua. They are rolled in a Nicaraguan Habano wrapper. Precisely blended by the skilled workers they exude a full bodied, complex, flavorful smoke in a balanced manner. An earthy, spicy taste dominates on the palate during the slow smooth burn of the cigar. They display a perfect construction with each puff. These Juan Lopez Seleccion No. 4 Cigars are hand rolled in the size of 7 x 70 into the shape of a Large Cigar. They are offered in boxes of 16. To buy these strong cigars place an order at Cuenca cigars and get the best online price.