Juan Lopez Cigars
Juan Lopez Seleccion No. 3 Cigars are rich, premium cigars crafted for the palates that enjoy a true Nicaraguan puro. Rich, spicy with an earthy flavor these cigars are a delight to smoke. They are filled with rich Nicaraguan long fillers bound by the same binder. The outer covering is made from a Nicaraguan Habano wrapper. Full in body and complex yet refined in profile these are solid cigars built to perfection. They display an even, smooth burn along with a perfect draw. These Juan Lopez Seleccion No. 3 Cigars are handmade in the shape of Double Toro with a size of 6 x 60. They are offered in boxes of 16. To buy these heady cigars place an order at Cuenca cigars and get the best online price for Nicaraguan Cigars.