Introducing the Joya de Nicaragua Silver Robusto, a recent addition to the esteemed Joya de Nicaragua Cigars lineup. This exceptional cigar has been showered with praise, earning a remarkable 93-point rating by Cigar Aficionado and securing the impressive No. 16 spot on the highly coveted Cigar of 2021 list. Crafted with expertise, this medium-strength masterpiece boasts a premium Ecuador Habano wrapper and infused Mexican long-fillers, carefully selected for an exquisite smoking experience. With each puff, you'll be treated to a symphony of flavors that will captivate even the most discerning cigar enthusiasts. Presented in elegant boxes of 20, the Joya de Nicaragua Silver Robusto is a testament to the artistry and dedication of the brand. Don't miss your chance to indulge in this meticulously crafted gem.