Joya de Nicaragua Red Short Churchill Cigars are interesting offering from this brand known for actual full-bodied smokes. This time they have tamed down their blend a bit to make palatable for more smokers. It starts with a Nicaraguan Habano wrapper that lies perfectly on the top. Inside it packs a blend of all Nicaraguan tobaccos from the distinct regions of Esteli, Condega and Jalapa. This puro delivers a medium bodied smoke marked by strong notes of pepper and roasted nuts. Leather, coffee and toasty nuances do make an appearance in between. It has been well-received by the enthusiast as well as the critics. The Joya de Nicaragua Red Short Churchill Cigars are handcrafted in the size of 4 3/4 x 48. They are packed in red boxes of 20. To buy these tamer Joya cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.