Joya de Nicaragua Red Robusto Cigars are an absolute delight, captivating both Joya loyalists and those who seek a slightly milder experience. Crafted with tobaccos from the distinct regions of Esteli, Condega, and Jalapa in Nicaragua, these cigars are wrapped in a Nicaraguan Habano wrapper. The result? A medium-bodied smoke that exudes complexity and flavors that will truly satisfy your taste buds. With hints of pepper, roasted nuts, leather, coffee, and toast, these cigars offer a captivating journey for aficionados and critics alike. Handcrafted in a 5 1/4 x 50 size and elegantly packed in red boxes of 20, the Joya de Nicaragua Red Robusto Cigars are a must-try. Ready to experience these tamer Joya cigars? Place your order now at Cuenca Cigars and enjoy the best online price.