Immerse yourself in the exclusive flavors of the Drew Estate Joya de Nicaragua Numero Uno Sampler—a premium collection meticulously crafted for the discerning cigar aficionado. This exceptional sampler features five Joya de Nicaragua Numero Uno LE Premier cigars, size 6 7/8 by 48, five L' Ambassador cigars size 6 5/8 by 44, and an additional five complimentary Amigos Ambassador Club cigars, offering an unmatched value.
Each Número Uno cigar ignites with a delicate, nuanced smoke that envelops you in a world of sweetness, with a subtle interplay of spice and saltiness. The first draw unveils a symphony of flavors reminiscent of a brown sugar sweet potato pie, followed by gentle cabinet spices that linger closer to sweetness than fiery heat. As the profile settles within the first inch, a tapestry of more intricate notes emerges, featuring kettle corn, browned butter, salted peanuts, sweet cedar, and a whisper of lemongrass.