Joya de Nicaragua Cigars
Joya de Nicaragua Cuatro Cinco Toro Cigars are masterful creations to mark the 45th anniversary of this celebrated brand that is leading the industry for almost half a century. It is blended with chosen tobacco to create a complex, aromatic smoke that would keep you engaged till the end. It begins with a dark Habano wrapper from Nicaragua which cloaks a mix of aged all Nicaraguan fillers and Dominican binder. The smoke is medium to medium-full with loads of character. When you lit one of these you experience a sweet tobacco aroma along with notes of wood, espresso, oak and pepper. The finish is smooth and creamy with an overall balance of the flavours. The Joya de Nicaragua Cuatro Cinco Toro Cigars measure 6 1/4 inches in length and 50 in width. They are sold in boxes of 10. To buy these well-constructed premiums place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.