Joya de Nicaragua Cigars
The Joya de Nicaragua Clasico Toro is more than just a cigar—it's a piece of history. Crafted to celebrate Joya de Nicaragua's 55th anniversary, this exceptional smoke is a must-try for both seasoned aficionados and newcomers to the world of cigars.
Measuring 6 x 50, the Clasico Toro offers the ideal size and balance for a comfortable, satisfying smoke. The Ecuadorian Connecticut shade wrapper envelops a Nicaraguan binder and carefully selected Nicaraguan fillers, creating a harmonious blend of flavors. Every puff delivers smooth, delicate notes that make this cigar a masterpiece of craftsmanship.
For over 15 years, the Clasico has been elusive, restricted to exclusive retailers. But now, thanks to Joya de Nicaragua’s commitment to its loyal fans, this celebrated cigar is back. Designed to introduce newcomers to the refined world of cigars, it’s the go-to recommendation from industry insiders, including executive president Juan Martinez, who calls it “the perfect starting point for any new smoker.”
Whether you’re exploring cigars for the first time or adding to your prized collection, the Clasico Toro is a gateway to Joya de Nicaragua’s unparalleled legacy. Indulge in a blend that has been cherished for generations, and enjoy the balance of history, flavor, and experience in every draw.
Don't miss your chance to savor this iconic cigar. Available now as a single or in a box of 25. Treat yourself—or the cigar lover in your life—to the rich history and delicate flavors of the Joya de Nicaragua Clasico Toro.
Order your Clasico Toro now and elevate your collection.