Joya de Nicaragua Cigars
Step into the world of premium cigars with the Joya de Nicaragua Clasico Toro Box of 25, a true icon resurrected to honor 55 years of exceptional craftsmanship. This isn’t just a box of cigars—it’s a gateway into the storied legacy of Nicaragua’s very first cigar brand. A rarity over the past 15 years, the Clasico Toro returns as an exclusive treasure for enthusiasts eager to relive or discover its timeless charm.
Meticulously crafted to perfection, the Clasico Original Toro (6 x 50) perfectly balances size, shape, and flavor. Wrapped in an Ecuadorian Connecticut shade wrapper with a Nicaraguan binder and fillers, every draw reveals a harmonious combination of flavors. This wrapper, famously used in the highly-rated Numero Uno line, guarantees a smoking experience marked by elegance and finesse. Don’t just smoke a cigar—savor artistry born from unmatched expertise.
Are you new to the cigar world? The Clasico is an ideal starting point. Juan Martinez, Joya de Nicaragua's Executive President, recommends it as the cigar that delicately welcomes beginners into the art of cigar smoking. Each puff is a seamless introduction to the impeccable quality and rich heritage steeped in every Joya de Nicaragua creation.
Once only available to select retailers, the Clasico Toro is back, offered as part of the prestigious Club de Amigos loyalty program. Now, loyal aficionados and new cigar lovers alike can enjoy this masterpiece. Elevate your smoking ritual by indulging in a rare box of 25 Clasico Original Toros.
Every draw from the Joya de Nicaragua Clasico Toro is a celebration—of history, tradition, and unsurpassed quality. Whether you’re building your collection or savoring a tranquil moment, this cigar guarantees satisfaction with its delicate flavor profile and captivating aroma.
Why wait? Become part of the Joya de Nicaragua legacy. Add the Clasico Toro Box of 25 to your collection and experience the soul of Nicaragua in every puff.