For over fifty-five years, Joya de Nicaragua has been a hallmark of premium cigars, revered globally by aficionados who seek exceptional quality and flavor. The Cinco de Cinco Robusto Gordo pays tribute to this legacy, offering a celebratory experience for discerning palates.
This medium to full-bodied blend delivers an unforgettable flavor profile. With earthy nuances of cocoa, cinnamon, and dark chocolate, every draw captures both complexity and depth. Wrapped in a rich, oily San Andrés Mexican wrapper, this cigar elevates your smoking experience to a whole new level.
Lovingly created by Drew Estate Cigars, each Cinco de Cinco is perfected under the watchful eye of master blenders in Estelí, Nicaragua. Aged for at least five years, these cigars bring a vintage touch to your smoking ritual, treating enthusiasts to the kind of refined taste you can only find in meticulously aged tobaccos.
Whether you're toasting a milestone or indulging in a moment of quiet luxury, the Cinco de Cinco Robusto Gordo strikes the perfect balance of celebration and relaxation.
Don’t settle for ordinary—elevate your collection with this exquisite box of 10. Order today to honor Joya de Nicaragua’s enduring legacy while savoring every indulgent draw.