Joya de Nicaragua Cabinetta Serie No 7 Toro Cigars are distinguished cigars in the portfolio of this world renowned brand. The cigars of this Cabinetta Serie sports two different wrappers on their body. A shade grown Ecuadorian wrapper and a dark Nicaraguan Criollo wrapper encase a blend of chosen Nicaraguan leaves. This combination creates an eventful smoke marked by complexity of aromas and flavours. Mild to medium in body it displays creamy smoothness along with savoury notes of cocoa, earth, tobacco and spicy finish. It offers the best of both worlds by combining two distinct wrapper leaves in a very careful manner. The Joya de Nicaragua Cabinetta Serie No 7 Toro Cigars are handcrafted in the size of 6 x 52. They are sold in boxes of 24. To buy these twisted cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.